Couple of side effects to Lupron that I do not enjoy one is not being able to sleep. No sleep equals not so happy Brooke!
Another side effect acid reflex really I need to cut back on the Pepsi I understand but I can't cut it cold turkey I still need one and realized on Saturday no more wingers for me at all.
The best side effect of all hot flashes and than the chills this is great I get to feel what menopause will be like.
I am doing better with the shots Jason came out to give me the one today I don't know if any of you have dreaded a time of the day well I do it is six o'clock P.M.
I pump myself up about 5 o'clock you can do this it is quick and easy as long as we do not count down 3,2,1 by 2 I back out I am not ready I will scream it and a flood of tears follow. I figured out I know that it is coming by hearing the number 1 so I don't want to know just use the alcohol wipe, pinch the skin, and throw the dart, all I ask is to inject the medication slowly.
So yes today was a better shot day but I am sure I will have many more days where I want to hide and still yell out "I am not ready."
All and all today was a good day tonight that might be a different story because this sleeping beauty can no longer sleep being restless and can't finding the right spot makes is for a very long night. I better go get started settling down hope you all have a great night.
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