Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It is like Christmas time

Remember when you where a little girl or boy and you would get so excited the week of Christmas that it was so hard to sleep? Okay, I am still that way little girl or not.

Well Christmas week has arrived early this year for me that is how is has been for me overwhelming, exciting,nervous, anxious, and did I mention exciting. I went to my doctor appointment yesterday and I met the doctors for the first time. All this anticipation built up from how others described them that have gone to them that I have ran into along this journey.

When they came into a room I felt comforted I had my embriologist and Invitro doctor which I felt very at ease. This appointment was to see how well I am doing on the stimulation shots and to my suprise he started to name them off during the ultrasound.

He stated my right ovary looks good for the two surgeries I have had done. He counted them and gave off measurments. Let's say I am a grape vine right now I heard about 18 that are stimulating and maybe 5 to 7 more that are smaller than 10mm wow I am on my way. The doctor seemed pretty happy that I took so well and I am on day 4 of stimulation shots.

I was way excited the "What if's started to creep into my head the day before the appointment."
Such as what if I have no follicules. I didn't worry about it as much when I got to the office for my appointment the staff is friendly and so helpful I feel like I am supported and I have known them for a long time.

The docotor stated keep doing what you are doing with shots and we will see you on Thursday he gave me a time line that we would do egg retrival possibly Sunday or Monday. My heart skipped or beated twice with excitment I am to the final week of IVF.

Jason stated to the doctors that we have never had a hard time making eggs/follicules we have just had issues getting it to attach. The doctor smiled and said we will do that for you. That sentence was so powerful to me from the doctor I felt like I was in good hands.

Later on I got a call to only do 2 Bravelle shots because my estrogen level was high so they took me off of Menopur. This is why I was sick is because of my estrogen level and well it is a side effect to the medication as well.

I am still on two shots just one is Bravell and one is Lupron. I will keep you all updated on my journey as soon as I can I have decided that after Thursday will be my last update.

If anyone has questions about the next couple of weeks please, call my husband and he will give you all updated information.

I just want to relax and get this baby attached after I have implantation.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Doctors Appointment tomorrow

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow early in the morning I am getting excited to meet my doctor face to face he just arrived in town today and they just opened up the new facility. It has all came quick and slow at the same time.

Tomorrow's appointment is to see where my follicules are at and how they are progressing I started stimulation shots on Friday the 22nd and so they just make sure that they don't over stimulate my folloicules (eggs). I also get another blood drawn I am down to an appointment every other day with them.

Next week is the big week we will be doing most likely egg retrival and implantation if everything works out.

Fingers,toes,eyes and everything else crossed. I will keep you posted about tomorrows doctors appointment.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two Shots and 1 1/2 week to go

Count down begins well I still have awhile to go but I would like to count down so I feel better about the two shots.

I hate the second shot it is a lot more fluid and it burns going into my stomach the next thing I don't like about it is the hot flashes I can go to normal to what I feel like is 105 degrees in two seconds.

Sometimes I am okay one min. and want to cry the next hour it a roller coaster the only one that see this one is my husband the most.

Sickness is another thing I lost an appettite I cannot eat meat or I will get sick or have issues sleeping I can have chilli so I get protein I am off the caffiene I think for good and I solved my headache issues a little faster with cutting my long hair short again.

I have a hard time relating to others right now I am so focused on what I need to do and accomplish.

O'Yeah and my stomach looks like a dart board so much for bikinis for this summer. The shots cause my stomach to feel blowded (if that is a word) so I look like I have gained weight I promise it is for a good cause is what I tell myself.

So I am on Bravelle two vials and one vial of Menopur the side effects for Bravelle are Ovarian cysts, voimiting, breast pain,injection site pain, ovarian enlargement, chills, fever and nausea.Menopur causes all the above with the extras of constipation,diarrhea,dizziness,hot flashes, flu like symptoms.

I don't read side effects until I start the injection I decided I don't want to know but when I get chills, hot flashes, vomiting, and dizziness I take a look.

I keep telling myself this is worth it everyone has a feeling it will work I was surrounded by positive thoughts last night at my brothers birthday party.

I have a support system that I can never replace.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dreams and questions.

This week has been hard I stopped drinking caffiene. I woke up today day 3 of no caffiene and my headache is gone I have only taken a little of advil because I am suppose to not take much of that either.

I think I am over the caffiene woohoo but then again it is only  day 3 but hey if I can go 3 weeks it is no longer an addicition I just need to stay away from the temptation.

Without caffiene you think I would sleep I am exhausted and want to sleep but my mind does not shut off I have weird dreams lately that make no sense my last two dreams have been in color which is a step up from my black and white normal dreams.

I am going to dream log for post just this time unless another dream comes along worth blogging
I had a dream before my ultrasound last week I must have been stressed about the ultrasound or it was on my mind alot.


I walked into the OB office and it was like any other doctor office waiting chairs and a T.V the ultrasound tech checked me and told me to go down the hall to the restroom and change into a gown. I opened the door to the restroom and it was a strip club I changed my clothes into the gown in front of everyone and I opened the door and I was back in the OB office I went to the room I was getting the ultrasound in and the tech was in the room and she said take this pill it will make you sleepy I told her I have done a ultrasound before and I have not done this she said "we make improvements on your body if necessary" I told her that I did not have the $50.00 so I should go get it from my car she told me to just send it in by mail at this time as I turned for the door .

I realized that there was another patient in the room on a bed and she just had surgery she was not wearing anything and she just had surgery on her breast for enlargements but it looked like a chop job around her breast. The patient started waking up and she was screaming and sitting up and the tech ran over to her and went to strap her down and than I woke up from my dream. 

Second dream:
This one happened last night 

My mom and I was walking home from a store and it felt like I was walking forever we finally saw her friend Sandy in a yellow jeep my mom stated let's go talk to her so we walked over to the jeep and my mom jumped into the front seat but there was no back seat at all for me to sit I told her I would just jump into the little trunk part and Sandy told me no and my mom said well just hold onto my seat as we drive and we will keep the door open they both seemed okay with that idea and my mom kept telling me it will build arm muscle.

Some how in my dream I ended up in the back seat of the jeep and it was a very small area all of these puppies where around and my mom's friend said to hold them so they don't fall out I was in a panic because there was so many puppies that I could not hold them but they would not help me hold the puppies.... and then I woke up.

Dreams are interesting to me sometimes.

I start my stimulation shots today so this IVF process I am doing to shots a day one of Lupron and the other of the stimulation I figured out what Lupron does it makes it so when I start stimulation shots that it groups my follicules together so it makes it easier for them to complete egg retrevial.

So today is the day that I start becoming like a grape vine is the best way to describe it the stimulation make you produce multiple follicules. So cheers to grape vines.

I kind of have to admit I know why I did not want to share this journey the reason being is that I did not want to know the what if's for example: "What if it does not work" asked by a handful and foot full of people or "What if you do not produce any follicules", What if during the petry dish stage they all die off and you cannot implant one", and my favorite question because I would love if it came true "What if you have multiples" the last question is my favorite it gives me hope the other ones make me want to bury my head in the sand and never come out. All I can say back to all of these questions is "What if it works" I decided these questions need to be asked by people these questions need to be confronted and the reason why is I need all the preperation I can get I think if I kept this quite I would not have thought that maybe they will die off and I will have no embryos to transfer or what if my ovaries decide not to produce but the question I try to focus on now is "What if it works."

The reason being is that I beleive in positive reinforcement. I watched my grandma pass away battling cancer may I say not one time did I ever doubt her thought of she can beat cancer. The reason why is because her attitude told me she would beat this and may I state that she was the strongest woman to fight this battle she lived daily life she breathed in every breath of air she smiled at every person and she went to Echo lake when she started treatements for cancer I would have never guessed that she had cancer she wore her hair piece and would give it to my younger brother to wear she would go to the hotels in the city or near by our houses and we would stay there and swim and have fun.
What got us through it laughter and normal life she kept life normal as can be. My grandma has taught me to live life without the "What ifs" just keep on truckin when times get rough.

I will make it through this either with a smile or the attitude of I need to keep on truckin.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Needles, Ultrasound,and Lab work

Sorry I have not updated this lately.
I had my first ultrasound appointment it was a baseline ultrasound they look to see if everything is sound so on the third day of my mensus they check by ultrasound which was yesterday. What they look for is any cysts on the ovaries. I went in to see the ultrasound tech in Provo yesterday since my doctor is not from Utah he flies in on April 25th so I have one appointment with a tech that they use before he comes into town.

I was prepared for this ultrasound it is either going to give me the green light to continue with simulation shots or the red light that we will have to wait. Jason and I drove out to Provo and our appointment was at 9:15 a.m we got out to the facility and I noticed other women in the waiting room since it was Saturday I knew that these must be other patients that are going to the same doctor for IVF.

I understand I should not compare myself to others but it was interesting to watch other women come in and get the samething done as I was doing. I know others are going through this as well but I felt really one on one with my doctor and nurses so far.

Reality started to set in no turning back not that I would want to but let's be truthful this is not a fun process to go through.

I sat in the waiting room of the OB's office waiting for my name to be called reading the notices on the desk such as: $50.00 to find out what gender you are having you can find out two weeks earlier.  I also noticed dum dum suckers all blue ones in a basket and pink ones in another basket.

To be honest in the beginning of our infertility trial this would make me want to cry because I felt lost and alone but today I had a different feeling a one of relief my heart sped alittle and I thought that in about 3-4 months I could be paying money to find out what I am having. I have to be careful when I think like this because I know that also in 3-4 months I could be doing the IVF process all over again but as of right now I enjoyed that feeling for the first time of knowing that it is okay to get excited for IVF.

The ultrasound tech calls my name "Brooke"  she went to go explain what this ultrasound entails and I repeated what she wanted to hear everything off from the waste down and she will be back in a couple of minutes. She stated to me this is not your first "Rodeo is it?" I stated not at all.

I was ready for the ultrasound she came in and the ultrasound began my ovaries looked great from what I could see I know I am not no doctor but when you look at your ovaries for what seems like the 17th hundred time through ultrasound you start understanding what they are looking for. She measured they measure the five biggest follicle's and than she sends the information off to the doctor and she also looks at how thick my uterus lining is.

I got the next instructions blood work needs to be done next. I got dressed and as Jason was looking around the room he saw print outs of a ultrasound with twins baby A and B and also triplets baby 1,2,and 3 I told him that would be awesome to have multiples. He always states lets work on one first.

We went over to the hospital for my blood to be drawn and it wasn't as bad as I thought one prick and one vial of blood not bad and I did not pass out. Way to go me!

Jason asked me a question as we where walking in to get my blood drawn and to be quite honest I know he is going through the pain with me just it is my body and so it seems like it is me that is doing all the preparation I know he is with me but I didn't think he ever thought about what I was thinking until this moment he said " How does it make you feel watching other girls walk in that is doing IVF" I was taken back by the question I answered I feel like I am in a race.

Naturally I am competitive but it is a different race it is with my own body. I told him I feel like what if it works for them and not me and he stated that all of our bodies are different all of our struggles are different. I told him I felt good about what we are doing because I felt like I was younger than all the ladies that I saw so I know I am giving myself a better chance.

Later on I have thought about that question and my answer I guess the race that I have felt is the race of time and the race of money and the cost of IVF and medication the race of life is what I felt. I have now realized that I am going to enjoy the moment and try to think more positive that I will be okay either way.

The race I have created with myself is a race of disappointment and let downs and I feel like I am racing against time and money. This is my chance to change that by doing IVF and knowing that sometimes you cannot control what happens so I need to let it be.

About two hours later I got the green light that I was okay to start simulation shots on the 22nd of April yes one green light a couple of more to go through this process.

On Monday I drop one shot down 5 Units the Lupron and on the 22nd of April I start injecting two medications in one shot and stay on the Lupron the next visit my doctor will have arrived in town and so I will get to meet him and his staff for the first time besides on a book cover and on morning shows that he has appeared on as a guest.

Update on shots I have my ups and downs I think I will through this whole process some days are easier and other days I want to give up but my husband helps me to continue.

Also I would like to say that I have the "Best Husband" ever he took off work and he said in the beginning he will be at every appointment he was the only husband that was in the office the morning of my ultrasound. I am starting to understand that I have never been alone.

Monday, April 11, 2011

No Longer Sleeping Beauty

Couple of side effects to Lupron that I do not enjoy one is not being able to sleep. No sleep equals not so happy Brooke!

Another side effect acid reflex really I need to cut back on the Pepsi I understand but I can't cut it cold turkey I still need one and realized on Saturday no more wingers for me at all.

The best side effect of all hot flashes and than the chills this is great I get to feel what menopause will be like.

I am doing better with the shots Jason came out to give me the one today I don't know if any of you have dreaded a time of the day well I do it is six o'clock P.M.

I pump myself up about 5 o'clock you can do this it is quick and easy as long as we do not count down 3,2,1 by 2 I back out I am not ready I will scream it and a flood of tears follow. I figured out I know that it is coming by hearing the number 1 so I don't want to know just use the alcohol wipe, pinch the skin, and throw the dart, all I ask is to inject the medication slowly.

So yes today was a better shot day but I am sure I will have many more days where I want to hide and still yell out "I am not ready."

All and all today was a good day tonight that might be a different story because this sleeping beauty can no longer sleep being restless and can't finding the right spot makes is for a very long night. I better go get started settling down hope you all have a great night.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Starting IVF

Phone consult done, papers turned in and signed, blood work for me and him completed. All we do is wait as I wait I get nervous I know what IVF is going to consist of I did my research I figured out all good and all bad things that can happen. 

The start of my mensus day one call the fertility office and I start birth control I know everyone reading this is thinking you want to get pregnant if I was still in my denial/withdraw stage this would be hard but after researching and trusting my doctor that he knows how to do this I decided that we are ready for this well I am ready for this. March 2 started birth control stayed on birth control for the whole month never missed a pill this was the easy part all I had to do is take a pill at the same time everyday. 

April came along  to be quite honest I dread this month I know that injections start  and to let you all in on a  little secret I hate needles! I knew from day one that this was going to be my challenge little did I know this was not my only challenge. 

I started Lupron on April 3rd injections would not be so bad if they where not in your stomach yes a needle in my stomach. Let's just say I did not sleep well at all the start of April I was just anticipating the shots.
Jason gave me the first one on April 3rd not to bad as long as it is injected slowly we started in the evening because this needs to be given during that time well six o'clock is what we started to do on April 3rd so we had to stick with this time. 

I work until nine P.M at night so I am at work during this time. I have decided to be completely open about this process because I want to look back and know that if anyone goes through infertility that they can read this and know that they are not alone you may feel like I don't understand and I might not understand what you are going through but I sympathize with everyone with infertility issues.

Jason stated well I am not coming out at six everyday after work to give you shots you will have to learn yourself well he did the shots for two days on April 5th I would give myself the shot it is harder than you think I am good with drawing up the medication but when it comes to the injection this is a fear I have I used to pass out when I saw blood or needles I would get nervous and hold my breath and end up on the floor passed out. 

April 5th I did my first injection this was a Tuesday on April 6 and 7th I did my own injections when you do your own well for me I couldn't just let it go into my skin like a dart I pushed it in slowly it did not hurt as much but you could feel it going through the skin and it felt like it was getting caught it wasn't but you felt it yourself. I was a big girl I conquered my fear. 

I started to notice that at night I would start getting acid reflex not sure if it is a side effect and not as bad but hot flashes and than chills my stomach seems to be a little uneasy. I decided to look online to figure out side effects and these are some of them. 

Everyday Lupron and birth control pills until just barely April 9th I  took my last birth control pill and now I am just on injection of Lupron.

Jason and I thought that April we would fall off the earth nothing is going to go on during this month just preparation of getting my body ready for IVF. 

Taking these IVF injections kind of messes with your emotions I had a break down on Friday I was having a hard time I felt like I am the one that is doing this I felt alone I learned that my husband was with me every step of the way he came home early and spent the evening with me after talking about the issues I was having and that I was afraid of needles I did not want to continue with the injections we decided that Jason would just come to my work and give these to me this is a stress that I could not handle doing myself. 

If you are going through this process I felt that I was the only one that was doing this it is my body that I had to give the injections to it was not his body. I realized at this time he is my support system he is the one that will keep me going when I want to give up he is my companion. 

I will try and keep you updated and I go along with this process all Jason and I ask is that during this process that the questions be limited we are all hoping for the process to end up positive.

When we are little girls

For all the ladies out there remember when you where little and you played with dolls. It was when we where little that you knew that you had that mother instinct and that you cannot wait to fall in love and get married and have kids. 

My dream started I found the love of my life we had a beautiful wedding on July 9, 2004. We did not realize that we would go through the trials of having kids but this was our trial we never prevented this from happening no birth control was being taken we decided that we are ready to have a family. 

The second year of  being married I  was diagnosed with endometriosis I went in for a laproscopy and have had a total of two surgeries done. I had a scare with my first one with endometriosis they don't know if that is what I really had we signed over that if when the surgeon gets started with surgery and if it is worse than we hope I would have a hysterectomy. 

Thank goodness this did not happen  I had a couple of chocolate cysts on my right ovary. I read up on endometrosis and heard that if you get the laproscopic that usually right after you can get pregnant this never happened for us.

After a couple of years going by and doing failed attempts of IUI  and clomid. I was ready to be done with fertility treatments. 

My dreams where no longer to have kids I told Jason lets move and go to Hawaii where it is only us and the only thing we can see having babies are the whales and dolphins.

I live in Utah so every time you go to the local grocery store you are in line with pregnant women when you cannot get pregnant you do not want to participate in others happiness well I didn't I think this is the denial stage that I started to go through the withdraw stage. 

If anyone I knew got pregnant I would throw away the invitation and cry. When others that I knew got pregnant and we all where trying at the same time I would just cry when others had the positive sign and I was still negative. 

It  is like getting a F in a class but your friend received an A you didn't want to admit that you could not do it.

Withdraw and bitterness set in I went through this stage for quite awhile I did not like when others said I understand. How can you understand when you can have kids. All I wanted is someone to listen not understand. 

This is hard on  a marriage you get married thinking that it will all work out that you will be able to have kids if wanted whenever you wanted well at least when you where a teenager your mom and dad scared you to death that when you have sex you will get pregnant.When you get married trials will test your marriage I never wish on anyone that infertility will be the trial that you have to go through.

It has been ups and downs but in the last two years I realized my husband does understand he is going through this with me he is the rock that I lean on he is the one that wipes my tears he is the arms that I run to when all I want to do is lock myself in a room. He is my eternal companion. 

Journey of IVF Treatment

Jason and I found a fertility doctor after searching and researching we made our decision. It is a personal decision between each couple but after thinking about the journey we are about to partake I decided I want to blog what is going on daily/weekly or whenever I feel like I need to get it off my chest.

Jason and I have been married for six years we have been trying to start a family with no success we have went through the adoption process just to be scammed.  After much thought Jason and I decided to start saving for IVF about a year ago and we have finally saved up enough with the help of friends,family, and even complete strangers all these people have touched us dearly. 

I decided to tell about this journey through a blog so friends and family can understand what the process is of IVF.

Jason and I decided in the beginning we did not want the stress of if we do or if we do not get pregnant so this blog is just to help others understand the process I am not quite sure if I want to share the outcome on the internet just yet.

This is a  way that everyone that wants to know about the journey can read our blog instead of the stress of answering questions during a stressful but exciting time. 

I  made my decision  well Jason and I did after researching the specialist in IVF we made our decision based on our comfort and just pure gut feeling that this is the doctor. I started to share with others what we have been going through the years of trying and being disappointed. The tears of each time that I would pee on a stick and just want to see the two lines or the positive sign and each time the negative sign or one line would appear. 

I hate the feeling of telling everyone bad news not just to friends and family but to my husband was the hardest. The feeling of you just want to stay locked in the bathroom but you can hear the voice on the other side of the door "So what does it say?" I learned very quickly that disappointment came with each peed on stick. I didn't realize that I would relive it with every family member and friends the same question would come up "So are you pregnant?" The answer I would have to give would sting each time it came out of my mouth. 

If you have not guessed by now I hate to disappoint others and myself. I always thought you want something bad enough and either you will get it if you work hard enough and or you can save up to buy what you wanted. This is not always true sometimes there is a lesson that comes with the price you pay to get what you want and we have learned this the hard way.

Do not get me wrong I  was  scammed out of $20,000.00  for an adoption that never happened  I went after them in a lawsuit so lawyers equal more money plus the interest on the adoption that we took out is a pretty hefty loan on our second equity of our home but we had made that decision just to have the agency file bankruptcy and guess who was included. You are correct us this equal no money and a waste of money for lawyers.

This gives you an idea of the little background we have been through. I want to go back to the best part this year 2011 and IVF.