Monday, May 16, 2011

Great News tomorrow will be exciting news!

So I thought I would not post anything but I decided this was such a cool and great news that I had to share so this is how my morning started out today after I got ready I decided to hit my knees well not my knees because my stomach feels like I have done 5,000 sit ups.

You get the point I decided that today I needed to be comforted so I said a prayer I asked that Jason and I have comfort and know that this is the correct decision and to help me understand either way the decision tomorrow and help me be comforted and understand my body and to know that everything does not need to be planned out that a solution will present it self... followed by tears during this whole spill I asked grandma Nancy, Papa, and my little brother Corbin to let me know that they are helping me out with this and to know that I want to be a mom.

After saying a prayer I felt like I wanted the comfort right then I know you have to wait all good things come to those who wait so I breathed in and let the tears out.

I went to work thinking this is the longest day of my life well maybe the second longest day of my life. I text my husband and told him to call CFP about the charges that we received and I got great news they over charged us so they gave a credit back. Jason got to talk to a embryologist since we have not heard about the other ones Jason and I came to a decision they did not make it so zero to freeze.

Let me go back to last night Sunday night conversation with Jason:
Me: I need a plan B Jason I need to know if it is negative what are we going to do?
Jason: I am not thinking about another plan this is going to work so we are not even talking about another plan until we have to
Me: Jason you know I need a plan B this is what is stressful what if it does not work or works I want another chance to have kids I need a plan B
Jason: We will discuss it when we have to
Me: I gave up ( shocking I know usually I am very adimit about the answer to my liking)

About 2:00 I get a text saying guess what they over charged us which they are giving us a credit back and that we have two embies that are frozen. It took me awhile I wanted to cry plan B presented it self. I am not sure if most of you know if it does not work this first time and I have not embies to freeze than I would have to pay the same price all over again alot of money. But a frozen cycle is cheaper by alot like only 2000.00 maybe 3000.00. I was so excited that I told everyone that was at work with me downstairs.

If I did not mention in the previous posts my embryologist told me during transfer that we have two that the doctor wants him to follow he has little hope for the second one to make it to day five but hope for the other one.

We heard nothing so thought that we did not have any to freeze. Well my second one caught on and split it was only at two cells and needed to be at eight by day five this is truly amazing. I can see how couples get attached to the embies and want to use them all because when I find out tomorrow that I am pregnant in another year all of you will be back to read this.

The power of prayer thank you little brother Corbin thinking of you durin this month of May knowing that your birthday is May 23rd and hoping I can bring another exciting thing to May for our family we miss you tons and love you lots wish I could have had another brother to bother and pest but don't you worry I will do that someday when we meet again.

Thank You Papa I miss you tons I wish I still was able to run into the bedroom and be the first grand child to give you a hug for that magical dollar. I know you are with me at this time love you tons and miss you like crazy.

Thank You Grandma Nancy the one that taught me how to roll with the punches roll with what life gives you it has taken me time to realize this but I remember when you fought cancer like you are winning the battle of your life. You taught me to smile with a barf bucket and still be picture ready. Love you ton and miss you like crazy as well.

Tons of more people that have passed on that is telling my little ones right now that they will be loved more than they can imagine. I was just thinking I would have a hard time coming to earth if I had to leave such awesome people like them in heaven Corbin has hopefully taught my children strength to fight, Papa has taught my kids that they will be part indian and they can make cool indian noises around the house with pots and pans and how to love deeply, Grandma Nancy has probably told my kids not to worry that the water winnie is fun to ride at the lake and to hold on tight and remember when at Echo lake she will be there with them with her arms around them. Grandpa Lyon I am sure is teaching them how to love from their heart. Grandma Bradbury is hopefully teaching them manners so when they come down they will be very well behaved and also how to love as well.

I am not so worried about the outcome anymore this is out of my hands thanks for answered prayers and maybe not right away maybe just patience pays off.

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